Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Contact Lenses For Teenagers: Are They Safe or Not?

Today contact lenses become first choice for a teen to enhance personality. But, the choice for contacts over glasses forces many parents to think about the adverse effects of contacts on their children’s eyes. Indeed, there are no such harmful effects detected from contacts usage. Even a study was also conducted in this regard named with  Contact Lenses in Pediatrics (CLIP) on teens (ages 13 to 17) and young's between (ages 8 to 12). And the following results were found from them:
  • 85 teens and 84 pre-teens participate in the study.
  • No one reported any harmful effect because of Daily contact lenses use.
  • Teens and young both take equal time to fit lenses.
  • The majority of participants found it easy to clean and care than glasses.
  • Among all participants, most of them reported they able to improve performance in sports and give positive feedback for contact usage.

The next questions were asked to parents who reported the following information.
  • 92% of parents quoted they feel their children are more comfortable with lenses, as a result, they clean and care for lenses.
  • 89% asked their children to become more responsible after wearing lenses and choose to care for their own.
  • 80% stated contact lens bring confidence in their children.
  • 84% said contact lenses are the perfect choice for their children.

The above report proves the reason why you can choose contact lens for your child. The list does not end here, we have some more reasons supporting this.

Contact Lenses for Sports

Contact lenses are like godsends for children that are active in sports. Here, we have a list of advantages of using contact over glasses.
  • During sport, there are high chances of breaking the frame or glasses and increases the chances of eye injury. On the same side, playing during winter can cause fog on glasses that can distract the performer and performance. Whereas using contact lenses saves you from all such side effects.
  • sports contacts are ordered from Contact lens online in Singapore. It provide the user an unobstructed view while in the playing field for better peripheral vision. This helps the sportsperson to react faster in case of a soccer ball or baseball filed.
  • Contact lenses never leave their position, even when your child is running on the ground. 
  • Many lenses offer better eye optics than glasses and clearer vision to improve sports performance.
Major Reasons for Using Contact Lenses

Build Self-Esteem

Many kids feel conscious in glasses and they do not like to face the public in an aged-style look. This brings the feel of shyness and kids start hesitating in public speaking. Therefore, to solve the eyesight issue and enhance personality, wearing an contact lenses are the best solution.
Contacts help them to perform in sports and play with peers without worrying about looks. They can choose any style to look better. In-build confidence also eliminates stage phobia among children at an early stage.

Controlling Nearsightedness

Nearsightedness is the most prevailing issue in teens and young children. But considering the right quality and brand lens can help you to solve this purpose. Normally all contact lenses are removed at night, but if your doctor give permission to wear them at night and remove in the morning. You can observer nearsightedness. But, this is of a temporary nature, therefore you need to consult with the doctor first.

Useful Tips for Teenagers

  • Buy lenses that completely match with doctor’s prescription, because everyone has their own sight issues. Therefore lenses will be vary accordingly.
  • In case lenses got damage either torn or broken, its better to replace than damaging your eyes.
  • Never share your contact lenses, just like a toothbrush.
  • Whether you choose colored or Daily contact lenses for eyes, be sure they must be of the reputed brand only.
  • Only extended wear contact lenses allow you to sleep with them, otherwise, do not forget to remove lense at night.

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