Contact lenses are a simple eye solution and the wearer gets the opportunity to apply eye makeup to look more classy. Therefore, the awareness and demand among users are increasing day by day and the market serves you with numbers of different options. But, the right choice of your contact lens is essential to get all the benefits of the lenses. This write-up will guide you for the daily contact lenses, which option to choose and how. You will also learn a few other parameters that help you to make the best decision.
Know About Different Soft Lenses
There are two main categories of lenses in the market soft and rigid gas permeable lenses. If you go with soft lenses options, you will see numbers of soft lenses available in the market. These are easy to adjust and more comfortable compared to the rigid lenses. The wearer can wear them for a longer duration without any harm. But there are some facts that you need to care, such as:
- Extended lense wear duration: soft lenses can be worn overnight or can be be used continuously up to seven days without taking them off. Some brands also offer 30 days stay of their lenses. So, think wisely!!
- Planned Replacement Lense: These lenses are not meant for several days or nights. These are designed to replace between a week, two weeks or 12 weeks, and are restricted to worn for overnight.
- Silicone Based Lense: These type of lenses are designed to breathe and prevention of eyes against dust or dirt deposits and accumulation. This is a more comfortable form of lenses and the wearer feel less irritation and dry eyes issues.
- Coloured lenses: There is an option of coloured lenses under soft lens category. The best part is that it is convenient to find your lost lense and with the change of cosmetic or clothes you can change your eye shade from a natural one.
Think Over Your Lense Duration
Soft lenses are prefered due to their extended life over rigid lenses. But companies also care for their customer’s concerns and prepare lenses according to the duration of usage:
- Daily disposable lenses: These lenses are expensive due to their frequently changing behaviour. But these are specifically designed for dry eyes people or are prone to allergies due to accumulation of dirt and dust. Changing the lenses regularly keeps you away from all such issues. But, the daily disposable cost is the biggest concern for many.
- Bi-weekly or monthly disposable Lense: This is a more affordable form of the lense. As the user needs to replace their previous lenses bi-weekly or on a monthly basis. But there is a high risk of infection and one need to replace lenses every month.
Determine your UV protection Requirements
Many people choose contact lenses to wear during sports or other outdoor activities, where there is a risk of eye damage. In addition, wearing eyeglasses are more prone to break. So, contact lenses are the best option to save your eyeglasses and protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. But while choosing think about this:
- Not all soft lenses are prepared to protect eyes from UV rays. Therefore before choosing always consult with your doctor or Contact lenses online to get the best lenses.
- Lenses protect only a part of the eye, therefore, to protect it fully you need to wear sunglasses when you are outdoors. So, check out your best range of UV protected eyeglasses.
The Darker Side of Soft Lenses
From the comfort zone, soft lenses are primary choice of users over rigid gas permeable lenses and are meeting users expectations. But these lenses also face some drawbacks, such as:
- Soft lenses do not provide perfect vision ad of rigid lenses.
- Environmental pollution can be easily accumulated on soft lenses, some of which include smoke, airborne and other particles. Therefore, it is always suggested to consult with your eye doctor to get a perfect solution.
- Apart from environmental pollution contact lenses easily absorb irritants from hands including your soap and lotion. Therefore, before touching your lense, washing your hands is the only solution to reduce the absorption.
- Because of their soft nature, there are also high chances of breakage. As a rapid tear can cost you much higher.
Hope the above-mentioned pros and cons provide you best solution for the choice of your soft contact lenses. Considering all will help you in convenient order form Contact lenses online stores at affordable prices. But don't forget to take a brief description of your contact lense requirement from a doctor. This will save you from hasel of the wrong choice.
$9.20 2-Pack 10oz. Biotrue Bausch + Lomb Contact Lens Solution (Soft Lenses)