Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Major Key Reasons To Consider Biofinity Lenses

When things come to choose the right brand for lenses, it’s really hard to put every lens in eyes for test and try. On the same side, you cannot make a wise decision without it. So, we are here going to define Biofinity lenses as a clear choice for near or farsightedness correction.

Why people choose Biofinity lenses?

If the doctor advised you for Biofinity lenses as a solution to vision requirement and you are not sure of its usage. This article will help you. 

Biofinity lenses are popular choice wearers that got -12.00 D to +8.00 D, wide range of prescriptions. On the technical front, Biofinity is a spherical and have soft silicone hydrogel contact lens and can be disposed of monthly and make them Best contact lenses. Special technology has been used named unique Aqua-form in Biofinity lenses that keep your eye moist. 

Let’s go through a quick summary of the 5 reasons to consider Biofinity contact lenses.
  • Monthly Disposable

Basically, there are three categories of disposable lenses based on time, named daily, weekly and monthly disposable. When you choose Biofinity lenses as monthly disposable, means you choose durability that can last a month without risk of damage to the eye. Whereas daily disposable disposed at the end of the day and weekly on the last day of the week. Therefore, these are considered as affordable contact lenses choice for the wearer as they know, their choice can last for 30 days straight.  
Daily disposable lenses are almost cost double than these. As you may hear, lenses need proper care to work smoothly and to save your eyes. Keep in mind, you are not the first person who is going to wear lenses. But there are a large number of people that uses lenses regularly. Therefore, companies have designed resources for proper care of lenses.
  • Extended Wear

Many people feel uncomfortable to remove lenses every night. Whereas, ignorance can lead to the risk of irritation and damage to the eyes. So, using Biofinity extended lenses are a great solution and can be worn through the day and night. But, this does not mean this contact lens can be worn throughout the month. The length of wearing it can vary from person to person. Yes, many users weekly disposable contacts lenses in extended option.

The biggest advantage of using Biofinity lens is that you can wear these lenses for a longer tenure and with little removals.

  • Silicone Hydrogel Material

Earlier these lenses have a problem that they never come up for glasses wearers. But, eyes need oxygen to stay healthy. As we all know, the air just dries out our eyes, therefore for breathing it need to struggle.

As a result in the latest models of lenses, Silicone hydrogel is used for an adequate supply of oxygen. This helps to moist and allow proper oxygen flow. You eyes never meet with dryness, itchiness and irritation.

  • Aquaform Technology
Today, various lenses start making silicone hydrogel, but Aquaform Technology is a new approach.  By this, you can consider the two values together. This will also help in an effective way by allowing a particular lens to oxygen flow. If you consider similar silicone hydrogel lenses, remember, Biofinity ranks higher for both water content (48%) and oxygen permeability (160 Dk/t).
  • Easy to Buy
In the digital World, the feature is the convenience of purchase any time and anywhere. It is simple as you are going to pick the eggs from the supermarket. There are a number of quality websites offering Biofinity lens, just you need to choose the right one like 888lens.com.  But do not choose anyone without doctor’s prescription.

Bottom Line

Wearing contact lenses especially Biofinity Lenses are a healthy solution for eyes, especially if you choose Biofinity multifocal contact lenses. Here are some advantages:
  • Ease of extended wear for up to one week
  • Comfort & health due to use of modern lens material
  • Use of Biofinity specific Aquaform technology is a key reason
  • Easy to buy from online stores
  • An affordable option for monthly wear lenses

Monday, November 18, 2019

Essential Hygiene Tips For Contact Lenses Wearer

Contact lens are a perfect solution for weak eyes. This is easy to apply, remove and quite easy to care features make it an excellent choice for every wearer. It is always essential to buy contact lenses according to doctor’s advice. But many times, people found complaining about red eyes, blurry vision and other issues even after they are using good quality multifocal contact lenses. Keep in mind, many of the eyes problems arise not due to the wrong choice of lens, but because of your unhygienic factors. 

Contact lenses demand due care and maintenance for healthy eyesight. Therefore, this write is framed on how to care your contact lenses. But, before this, let’s know some more details about contact lenses hygiene.

Why contact lens hygiene is Important?

Contact lenses are known as new aid vision technology for the wearer who wants to get rid of glasses. This technology is considered a boom if proper care and hygiene are considered. On the other side, your ignorance can become the biggest reason for eyes infection. Therefore, as per doctor’s advice, its is essential to keep and maintain 100% hygiene to stay away from germs or eye problems. 

An improper contact lens care is also the biggest reason for permanent eye damage. If you are using daily contact lenses, you must be sure for their cleanliness. Many people believe that contact lenses can cause infections or irritations. Indeed, quality contact lenses never responsible for such blunders. But the problem lies in your caring factor.

Common Problems From Dirty Contact Lenses

Here, we have a list of common issues arise from not considering contact lens hygiene:
  • Red and itchy eyes: Contact lenses require regular cleaning to remove bacterial infection. Because, contacts easily attract dust, pollution, smoke, makeup and smog particles. That results in pink eyes and sometimes you feel burning.
  • Dry Eyes: Eyes dryness is a common issue. This arises due to lens evaporates water and causes the eye to become dry. This can be due to low production of natural tears or change in hormones. But in any reason, your eyes demand care and attention to keep them clean properly.
  • Sensitivity to light: while wearing contact lenses dirt, metal particles, sand and certain medicines affect your lens and vision. Therefore, using the doctor prescribe solution as complete care helps your eyes from being damaged.
  • Blurry or cloudy vision: This is also due to dirt that fix on the lens and makes your vision blurry.
Tips For Caring Contact Lenses
  • Replace your lenses regularly, especially if you are wearing daily disposable lenses. Otherwise, consider a doctor’s recommendation if you feel pain or discomfort.
  • Give your eyes to rest in between. Even you are wearing extended lens, they also need some time to relax and breathe.
  • For storage, always use fresh solution. Re-suing solution can add bacteria of your previous day on lenses.
  • After every three months replace your contact lens case. Otherwise, bacteria will make a pool in your lens case.
  • Before, removing make-up, it is essential to remove your contact lens. This will extend their life. 
  • Do not ignore eye check-up. Even if everything is going well. Fix an appointment with the doctor for an eye examination. This will provide it healthy life.
  • Never touch your eyes with dirty hands. Always user doctor recommended soap before handling your lenses.
Hope the above information proves to be useful for you. With these tips, keep in mind, the quality of contact lenses is essential for good eye health. And when you buy contact lenses online it is essential to shop from an authentic website only that offer only quality products. Otherwise, the eye issues continues even if you take good care of them.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Best Ways For Buying Contact Lenses Online

Ordering contact lenses from online stores are a convenient way of buying. Just a few clicks on keyboards ensure quality timely delivery of your lenses at your doorstep. But, before buying considering whether it is the best option or not is really important. Because there are dozen of contact lenses option on the internet and only a few are genuine. Keep in mind, a wrong choice of lens can put an adverse effect on your eyes. Whether you are choosing between extended, daily or weekly disposable contacts, these must be a healthy choice for your eyes. 

If you are seeking for best ways for buying contact lenses online. The below-mentioned tips will help you:

Using An Online Contact Lens Websites For Shopping

While shopping contact lenses from an online store, never go with first contacts selling website. Look for two or more alternatives like 888lens.com or similar options. You can also enter a brand name to get a similar product from various websites. The disadvantage of looking for contacts on online sites is that many times search engine do not reflect the price at your place. Or these refected prices do not contain special offers and rebates. Therefore, you need to enter the site to take benefit of price changes. In addition, there are some websites that offer heavy discounts on bulk order only.

Sometimes, comparing websites is hard. Because sometimes these include discounts and sometimes not. To save yourself from such situations, its good to be read website review and rating. You will get good knowledge about the unfamiliar website or seller.

Online Contact Lenses Website Comparison

While buying contact lenses, the seller and size of the company matters. Surprised why? Let me explain to you:
  • Ordering lenses from a seller that store heavy stock assists in quick shipping of your requirement. Some of the seller dealing in large scale preserve millions of lenses in their stock.
  • Companies dealing with large scale lenses have more stability than companies that have less stock. The customer feels more secure for the next order that you will not have to compromise over price and quality.
With this keep in mind, if you are looking for a specific type or brand contact lens, it can be hard for you to get them. Because no company can store thousands of prescription lenses. Therefore, either you can buy contact lenses online Singapore or can start your search in this way:
  • Check whether they accept telephonic order or no. This is an indicator or company authenticity and saves from from future hassle. 
  • What will be the delivery time? Whether it has customized option or ASAP delivery system or not. This will help you to get detail whether the company have stock in hand or he needs time to arrange contacts from other sellers.
  • If the website is asking for credit information, check whether they are authentic or not. Remember, never share complete information or at the beginning of the shopping.
  • Always read the website and contact lenses reviews before buying.
  • Check their services, if they have a customer service platform and ready to help at any time. This can be a reason to trust them. Some authentic website provides toll-free numbers if you get answering machine. Its good to go back.
  • Return policies have their own importance. Check whether they accept their defective products or not. Also, consider how many days.
  • A website having “about Us” page provides complete information about the website and owner. You can know about their history and experience in the same field.
  • Authentic websites always use a secure portal for their sites. Check whether they are secure or not.
From where to buy colored contact lens

There is lots of confusion about buying contact lenses. If you are buying colored lenses, you should be particular for color. This will help you to make a better choice. Some wearer also recommends Dailies contacts for black and colored options. As per my opinion, even if you have a clear vision you must take advice from an optician. Their prescription will help you to make a better decision.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How Contact Lenses Can Benefit For Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is an eye condition where eyes become unable to focus on the objects and found blurry images. Due to this disorder, the eyes’ curvature gets effected and prevents light to pass through retina properly. Astigmatism is not a disease but a disorder which is very common these days. It can be due to by-birth or from an eye injury that put a negative impact on the eye condition.
These days, there are three common treatments available in the market to treat this disorder i.e. glasses, contact lenses and refractive surgery. All these treatments vary from person to person eye condition. But the most common way is using Astigmatism contact lenses.
Here, we have reasons why:
  • Improved Vision

Contact lenses are designed to correct different eyesight errors like farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism disorder. If you are suffering from astigmatism issue, where eyes shape gets abnormal due to certain factors. Contact lens for astigmatism helps to overcome such problem. Wearing contact lenses give your eyes a perfect shape and make everything clear to see.
  • Eye Comfort
Among the benefits of astigmatism contacts, its great comfort is the primary factor. There are number of brands offering lenses in breathable materials that help in maintain moisture and keeps eyes hydrating. Sometime, you may found trouble initially for wearing that will be maximum for a week, the rest of the life will be comfortable. On the other side, if you use glasses, you will need to take care of the whole day.
  • Wider Visual Access

Wearing astigmatism daily contact lenses help to visualize things accurately. You can easily see nearby and distant objects and with clear vision. In addition, you don’t need to look after framing all the time. Lenses for astigmatism provide you complete access to an obstruction-free field of vision.
  • Feel of Normalcy
Astigmatism disorder always makes you uncomfortable to see an object. Where are banded contact lenses for astigmatism ensure you to feel normal and comfortable all day? You can enjoy complete rides at the amusement part, horseback ride, participate in other fun games. Nothing can ruin your special moments, once you buy and wear contact lenses from 888lens.com.
  • No Fear of Breakage
If you choose glasses over contact lenses, you will never know when you meet with glasses or frame breakage surprise. For example, wearing glasses can damage your eyes if you fall from a bike, meet with accidents or slip off. But, contact lenses can save you from all situations. Astigmatism disorder people suffer from a visual problem, therefore it is highly important to to use the safe mode of eye protection during a travelling to avoid accidents.
  • The Perfect Way To Stay Enjoy An On-field Job
If you are working on the field job profile and have astigmatism issue. Using multifocal contact lenses for astigmatism is a perfect solution for you. This will also save you from Myopia (short-sightedness) and Hyperopia (far-sightedness) disorder. For sportspersons, contact lenses will be highly useful to deal eyesight issue. Without worrying about visibility, they can enjoy their sport fullest. And, there will no fear of sweating.
  • No Compromise With Style
Traditionally, people suffering from eyesight issue requires to wear glasses and compromise with style. But not now. There are a number of high-quality brands offering contact lenses to maintain your eye vision. Even astigmatism sufferer can also enjoy color astigmatism contacts to enhance their personality. With this, no one can notice your eyes issue, but color contact lenses build your confidence to enhance personality.
  • Enjoy Climatic Conditions
Contact lenses are a great choice for people who wants to enjoy every weather. Even if you love to take sunbath, you will not have to struggle with foggy vision. The contacts for astigmatism never let you miss even a single moment.

Contact lenses are the best ways to get rid of the eyesight issue. But remember, always make an order from an authentic online store like 888lens or similar. Buy contact lenses online Singapore will provide you good deals over price and quality.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Listen To Expert’s Advice For Daily Contact Lenses

Most people spend lots of time for thinking and deciding over contact lenses. And getting answers to the most common questions like,

What to do in case of inside out contact lenses shapes?
What is the best way to apply and remove lenses?
Is it safe to wear eye make-up with lenses?
Do contact lenses with UV blocking agents?

So, we have created this post to come out from the dilemma with an expert’s advice to choose the best weekly disposable contacts. Let’s take a look:
  • Inside Out Contact Lenses Shapes
Sometimes, you may order without reading the description and get different contact lens or called inside out lenses. The simple way to check them is, put a lens on your fingertip. You will observe the “U” shape curve flared out in the shape of inside out (as described in image). If it is not flared means its in a correct position.

You may feel discomfort after wearing inside out lenses. But, if you choose branded lenses, they won’t harm your eyes. 

As per my advice, if you are going to order Daily contact lenses online, its good to read the description. You will get an idea about what you get after buying.
  • Best Way To Apply Contact Lens

Before following application instructions, its good to know while applying never wash your hands with scented soap or apply moisturizer. This can create irritation in the eyes. 
The next big thing is to never change contact lenses by mixing up. You will suffer from ill-fitting contact lenses. Now, here we have general rules for contact lens application:

  • In case you put lenses in solution, gently shake lenses to save them from drying out. 
  • While taking out, do not pull them with fingers, this can damage lenses. Always use palm for better safety.
  • Now, place your lens on the tip of the index or middle finger. Remember, it should be dry.
  • Use fingers and thumb to pull up on your upper eyelid and down on your lower eyelid.
  • Check out your eyes position, while looking forward position. You can also use upward, the best one that suits you.
  •  Close your eyes and role in a complete circle form. It will help lens to settle down.
  • Finally, look closely in the mirror to check the lens position in the eyes. It must be comfortable and clear from a vision point of view.
Steps to remove contact lenses

Always start by washing and drying your hands with a clean towel. Now, its a time to remove contact lenses. Look upward or sides ways, but in a comfortable position to pull lenses. If you are getting the issue, you can gently pinch lens with thumb and fingers for better fitting.

"Be sure your nails must be short so that they won’t damage eyes. And carefully see you won’t touch eye surface.”

If you are using Gas permeable contact lenses, their removal technique is quite easy from others. You just need to place fingers on the upper and lower eyelid, and gently remove by pressing in outward position from both ends.
  • Eye makeup and contact lens
Most modern girls are worries about eye make with lenses. Some questions like, whether it will fit or not properly, or they will suffer from irritation or red eyes issue after application. Yes, these issues are common, if you don’t take adequate precautions. Here we have some general rules to follow while applying make-up:

  • Always use a quality eye and make-up products. As they less harm to eyes. 

  • Now, put your lenses before or while applying make. But with clean hands.

  • If there is a need to use powder make-up, close your eyes and then apply.

  • Never use eyeliner between the inner part of eyelashes. As the spreading of eye lines can affect your lenses.
Contact lenses with the UV blocking agent

Securing eyes from harmful UV radiations is the primary aim of every person. Therefore, there are some branded model available on the internet that you can buy contact lenses online Singapore. Their high varieties lens contains UV blocking agents, you just need to go through the content description. Keep in mind, this does not mean that you can remove glasses. But these lenses acts are a way to save eyes from vision disturbance.